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Equitableness to long-distance of disaster reduction systems

Yao Qinglin

Strategic Study of CAE 2009, Volume 11, Issue 6,   Pages 153-158


The equitableness to long-distance of the disaster reduction aims atsystem in an incomplete condition, safeguard the interest of the whole and the far effect, scientize the disasterreduction management, and improve the disaster reduction work in each aspects.

Keywords: equitableness to long-distance     disaster reduction     management     earthquake    

Mine Disaster Science——The Systematic Science for Disasters Reduction and Mine Safety

Zhou Lihua

Strategic Study of CAE 2003, Volume 5, Issue 7,   Pages 90-94


Mine disaster science is a systematic science for mine safety and disaster reduction.It is,compared with the previous unitary prevention and treatment of mine disaster, characterized byIt involves 8 aspects of safety and disaster reduction,such as safety philosophy , safety economics ,While exploring the preventing and treatment technology and method for the individual case of mine disaster

Keywords: mine disaster     mine safety     mine disaster science    

Disaster prevention and reduction in Anthropocene

Sha Chen,Bo Tao,Wei Ren

Frontiers of Environmental Science & Engineering 2016, Volume 10, Issue 5, doi: 10.1007/s11783-016-0882-6

Abstract: It would be conducive to achieve sustainable economic development, reduce disaster vulnerabilities andrisks, and build resilience through implementing effective measures of disaster prevention, preparedness

Keywords: natural disasters     global change     Sendai Framework    

Disaster reduction project management on barrier risk eliminating and emergency dredging of Bailong River

Liu Ning

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 1,   Pages 25-30

Abstract: on the target decision-making, systemization and dynamics, the important meaning and effect of the disasterreduction project management in handling natural disasters and risk eliminating succor were analyzed, and the methods for improving the capacity of scientific disaster reduction were also discussed.

Keywords: Zhouqu mudslides     risk eliminating of barrier lake     emergency dredging     disaster reduction project management    

On Geo-environment in the Sustainable Development of Chinese Cities

Chen Junyong

Strategic Study of CAE 2002, Volume 4, Issue 12,   Pages 6-8

Abstract: The relevant studies on geo-disaster reduction and the influences resulted from human activities on thegeo-environmental protection and management, as well as mitigation of the vulnerability of big cities again the geo-disaster

Keywords: city     sustainable development     geo-environment     geo-disaster reduction    

The countermeasures of reducing and preventing disasters and “remaining space for energy”

Chen Gangyi,Lu Yajun

Strategic Study of CAE 2011, Volume 13, Issue 3,   Pages 92-96

Abstract: from matter and space should be remained for energy, the relationships of energy space and natural disasterThe application and countermeasures of energy space in reconstruction after disaster, plan of flood controland disaster reduction, ecological environmental plan and etc. were proposed.natural disasters and artificial construction project should remain space for energy for effective disasterreduction and prevention.

Keywords: stir kinetic energy     energy space     disaster prevention and reduction     reconstruction after disaster    

The Environmental Impact of the Three Gorges Project and the Countermeasures

You-mei Lu,Cun-liang Shang

Frontiers of Engineering Management 2014, Volume 1, Issue 2,   Pages 120-128 doi: 10.15302/J-FEM-2014019

Abstract: of TGP in flood control, power generation, shipping, water supply, energy conservation and emission reduction

Keywords: the Three Gorges Project     ecosystem     aquatic species     water quality     flood control     disaster alleviation     energysaving     emission reduction    

The emergency handling of Tangjiashan barrier lake and disaster reduction management project

Liu Ning

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 12,   Pages 67-72

Abstract: the risk management and risk decision-making, discusses the connotation and application of the thesis disasterreduction management project, and analyzes the importance of Tangjiashan barrier lake's successfulhandling for the enrichment and development of disaster reduction management theory and practice.Finally, several conclusions are educed for disaster reduction management.

Keywords: Tangjiashan barrier lake     risk management     risk decision-making    

Application of spatial technologies in the field of resources and disasters

Li Jing,Jiang Weiguo,Wang Yuanyuan,Chang Yan

Strategic Study of CAE 2008, Volume 10, Issue 6,   Pages 33-40

Abstract: To realize large scale, dynamic, all-weather, real time monitoring of disaster and environment, ChinaA space-ground integrated framework for disaster and environment monitoring, relieve, decision-making

Keywords: spatial technologies     disaster reduction     environment monitoring     moonlet constellation    

Focal mechanics and disaster characteristics of the 2024 7.6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan

Frontiers of Structural and Civil Engineering doi: 10.1007/s11709-024-1111-1

Abstract: the first six days after the earthquake, this article analyzes the seismic source characteristics, disasterFinally, this paper summarizes the emergency rescue, information dissemination, and other disaster response

Keywords: Noto Peninsula Earthquake     earthquake rupture mechanism     earthquake disaster     emergency response     pulse-like    

The Study on Urban Environmental Security and Emergency Help Programme for Serious Enviromental Disaster

Bian Yousheng

Strategic Study of CAE 2003, Volume 5, Issue 7,   Pages 1-10

Abstract: article puts forwad urban environmental security and the preparatory scheme for heavy environmental disasterzoning in Beijing; The information system supporting the management and decision about environmental disaster;The rescue and prevention scheme of urban meterological disaster;The forest fire prevention of Beijingand construction of urban lifeline system engineering; The rescue scheme for serious environmental disaster; The effect of environmental disaster on urban economic development in Beijing.

Keywords: environmental security     environmental disaster     emergency help programme    

Rethinking of geological disaster control at the anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake

Lu Yaoru

Strategic Study of CAE 2009, Volume 11, Issue 6,   Pages 36-43


The big Wenchuan Earthquake has passed for a year, but the huge disasterthoroughly, so that effective scientific reference can be provided for consideration of the prevention and reductionof future disaster.

Keywords: Wenchuan Earthquake     the earthquake history of Chuan-Dian area     geological disaster     earthquake mechanism    

Combined prevention and treatment technology on water disaster in complex karst tunnel of Yichang-Wanzhou

Ma Dong

Strategic Study of CAE 2010, Volume 12, Issue 8,   Pages 94-98

Abstract: successful treatment measures aiming at preventing risk, ensuring safe construction, preventing water disaster

Keywords: Yichang-Wanzhou Railway     complex karst tunnel     water disaster     prevention technology    

Exploration on the engineering management of medical rescue in severe natural disaster

Cheng Tianmin,Su Yongping,Hu Youmei,Xiao Yan

Strategic Study of CAE 2009, Volume 11, Issue 6,   Pages 63-67

Abstract: style="text-align: justify;">The engineering management of medical emergent rescue in severe natural disaster

Keywords: Wenchuan Earthquake     natural disaster     medical rescue engineering management    

Simulation of Effect of Forced Ventilated and Smoke Controlled System in Subway Fire Disaster

Cai Bo,Li Huiliang,Liao Guangxuan

Strategic Study of CAE 2005, Volume 7, Issue 8,   Pages 80-83


Subway fire disaster is more hazardous than overground fire.Daegu underground railway fire disaster in Korea leads to a disastrous result.ventilated and smoke controlled system in Daegu subway fire are compared, and the effect on subway fire disaster

Keywords: subway fire disaster     FDS simulation     forced ventilated smoke controlled system    

Title Author Date Type Operation

Equitableness to long-distance of disaster reduction systems

Yao Qinglin

Journal Article

Mine Disaster Science——The Systematic Science for Disasters Reduction and Mine Safety

Zhou Lihua

Journal Article

Disaster prevention and reduction in Anthropocene

Sha Chen,Bo Tao,Wei Ren

Journal Article

Disaster reduction project management on barrier risk eliminating and emergency dredging of Bailong River

Liu Ning

Journal Article

On Geo-environment in the Sustainable Development of Chinese Cities

Chen Junyong

Journal Article

The countermeasures of reducing and preventing disasters and “remaining space for energy”

Chen Gangyi,Lu Yajun

Journal Article

The Environmental Impact of the Three Gorges Project and the Countermeasures

You-mei Lu,Cun-liang Shang

Journal Article

The emergency handling of Tangjiashan barrier lake and disaster reduction management project

Liu Ning

Journal Article

Application of spatial technologies in the field of resources and disasters

Li Jing,Jiang Weiguo,Wang Yuanyuan,Chang Yan

Journal Article

Focal mechanics and disaster characteristics of the 2024 7.6 Noto Peninsula Earthquake, Japan

Journal Article

The Study on Urban Environmental Security and Emergency Help Programme for Serious Enviromental Disaster

Bian Yousheng

Journal Article

Rethinking of geological disaster control at the anniversary of the Wenchuan Earthquake

Lu Yaoru

Journal Article

Combined prevention and treatment technology on water disaster in complex karst tunnel of Yichang-Wanzhou

Ma Dong

Journal Article

Exploration on the engineering management of medical rescue in severe natural disaster

Cheng Tianmin,Su Yongping,Hu Youmei,Xiao Yan

Journal Article

Simulation of Effect of Forced Ventilated and Smoke Controlled System in Subway Fire Disaster

Cai Bo,Li Huiliang,Liao Guangxuan

Journal Article